My seasonal anthem…

Leaves of brown, fallin’ to the ground…

for the past 50 years…

Pitter patter, rain comin’ down, little glimmer sun coming round, take a walk [or row] when autumn comes around…

October 4. Driving through the early fog and darkness to the lake, this old Van Morrison song in my head with every nuance and meaning it has carried for me across all phases to now, the countdown to age 75…

And in a week or two it’ll be Halloween, set the page and the stage for the scene…

First time on the water in a month – the new puppy depriving us of sleep is a reminder of why babies are the gift for the young. It is amazing how much conditioning one loses in so little time.

[Set the boat, fix the sculls] and relax, what is more, your desire or the facts…

I’ll take both, thank you. And off I go.

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